poised for HolyCulture

A Few Unintentionally Pro-life Movies


These movies aren’t directly about the baby in the womb, but indirectly they make a case for protecting the life in the womb. Here are my top 5. Make sure to comment if there’s one you’d like to see on the list!

My usual warning - read the parental guides before watching.

5. It’s a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life Shot

A crowd favorite, it’s a re-run on Christmas around America. When George Bailey sees a world in which he had never been born, he brings the audience with him into a sobering but horrid reality - that his life does matter, and the world would be worse without him.

Because no one but God has knowledge of what a baby in the womb’s life will turn out to be, it’s an act of humility to chose life.

4. Children of Men

Children of Men Poster

The first apocalyptic movie on the list (but not the last!), Children of Men takes place in an upside-down world where women are infertile, until one fertile women is found. The future of the world depends on her child, and the political powers that be are in mortal combat over the womb.

A movie like this clearly demonstrates what everyone already knows - there is a person and a life in the womb.

3. Juno

Juno shot

A cheeky teen comedy about a knocked-up high schooler, played by the-now-“Elliot” contra-gender Ellen Page who keeps her baby “in the oven… till it gets a little cuter.” In the interim, we learn how messy a teen’s life can be, and how even though the world is a messed up place, the beautiful things in life, and love itself, are still there in full force.

2. Gattaca

Gattaca Shot

In a future where everyone’s life is decided by their genetic makeup before they live it, one man overcomes a determined universe and breaks the system. Though he is genetically inferior, his force of will changes the future, after all.

Some pro-abortion advocates suggest some lives are not worth living; this movie shows us the opposite.

1. A Quiet Place

A Quiet Place

Directed by The Office’s own John Krasinski, this apocalyptic goodie (told you there was another one) will have you on the edge of your seats. At the end of the day, though, it’s really a family movie about self-sacrificial love. The vulernability of the child in the womb hightens the drama as a household’s livelihood lays in the balance.

This one shows us what love for the unborn looks like. Comes highly recommended by yours-truly.