Who You Are
A story about our identity
When the bird says,
“Because I am not like the fish, inhabiting the underworld without air, I am not free; I must plummet, feathers and all, into that world, for without it I am coerced into that which is not life.”
When the fish says,
“Because I am not like the bird, inhabiting the outer-world with air, I am not free; I must ashore, gills and all, into that world, for without it I am coerced into that which is not life.”
Will you say to the bird,
“I love you and want to affirm you, so you must plummet into the sea”?
Will you say to the fish,
“I love you and want to affirm you, so you must ashore onto land”?
And so help them to death? Can you call that love, or freedom, or life?
So say to the bird,
“I love you and want to affirm who God made you to be. You soar so wondrously. Remain in the breeze.”
Say to the fish,
“I love you and want to affirm who God made you to be. I am amazed you can breathe without air. Remain in the sea.”